The sales of Biomass Boilers have increased massively across the UK in the last few years as we wake up to ideas and practises other countries have used for years. This coupled with the ever increasing need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, led us to develop a range of Biomass fuelled Steam and Hotwater Boilers, which range from small commercial units to large industrial sized units.
We have supplied heating solutions to all types of businesses where Biomass fuels are produced and can be burnt at a fraction of the cost of gas or oil.
We are also involved with the production of electricity from the burning of Bio-Fuels. We recently installed a Spilling Steam generation Plant at a large joinery organisation.
We welcome enquires for:
- Manufacture of New Steam or Hotwater Boilers
- Supply of Scandinavian Built Products
- Steam and Hotwater Pipework installations
- Steam Powered Electrical Generation Plants