Case Studies

Boilerplant Installation

Client: Global Petfood Manufacturer

Job: Complete Turnkey Installation of two Byworth YSX6000 Steam Boilers

Scope of Work

After carrying out the maintenance on the existing boilerplant for over 15 years, when it came to upgrading to the latest in steam boiler technology we were ideally placed to offer sound advice from the very outset of this project through to its completion. We began by bringing in Byworth Boilers who we work closely with on projects such as this, as it was their steam boilers we were advocating using. The Byworth Yorkshireman 6000kgs/hr with integral economiser was the boiler of choice and we moved forward planning the whole project. Due the factory being a 24/7 operation we brought in a steam boiler hire unit which we ran new pipework too, this was done so in the future a temporary boiler can be connected up with ease in the future and reduces the factories risk of costly downtime, once this was in and commissioned we produced a work programme which would include us carrying out the following:

  • Remove existing Cochran steam boilers and original pipework
  • Deliver new Byworth YSX6000’s to site and site both within 8 hours shift.
  • Commence pipework installation to include new steam, condensate, water, gas, oil, safety valve exhausts, Blowdown lines etc.
  • Fabricate new lobster back chimney sections
  • Fabricate new access gantries to tie into boiler platforms
  • Commission new boilers and bring on-line
  • Remove temporary hire boiler.
